Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy New Year

Well it has been some time since our last web portal update.  I am sure many of you might think that the project has died.  That is so far from the truth, in reality we have been so busy working on the project and holding meetings we just haven't had time to provide any updates.  Well we are in a new year and as result we are going to be getting back to providing regular updates.  To help accomplish our improved commutations plan we are going to start sending out a newsletter to our supporters and followers.  The link be shared here in this space and we will be emailing you directly.

We have plenty to share but instead of overwhelming everyone with the news all at once we will be sharing it over the next week.  But to start off with I want to let everyone know we have completed the mining of the data from the 1851 census and we have moved on to the 1861 census. We originally said that we would have this information up and on display in the portal by the spring of 2013.  However due to holidays and dirty data that upload will only happen in the fall.

We are preparing now for the next stage of the project and that is to gather family histories, that will include pictures,stories about people from around New Brunswick.   We will be making a big announcement in the coming days that will we hope will help in obtaining those stories.   So stay tuned to this spot for more information when it arrives.  

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