Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Scottish Web Portal Mid-Summer Update

It has been quiet a while since we provided the members of the New Brunswick Scottish-Cultural Association and our project supporters with an update.  As you know the project has been going since February.  As a committee we have been meeting on monthly bases. However that scheduled has changed with the summer months upon us.   With this update we have some good news and some bad news.  

What I am going to do is start with the bad news and end with the good news. This way this up date will end in a positive note.

The bad news is that we are away behind in our fundraising for our goal of $20,000.00 in seed money and as a result the project is at risk and is officially behind in schedule.  We needed this seed money to get this project going and to proceed with applying for provincial and federal funding.  In June we issued our third email appeal and raised only $25.00 this is compared to the other two appeals where we raised over $1000.00 on each.  To date our total money raised is just shy of $11.000.00.  So as you can see we are still along way off from reaching our goal of $20,000.00.  The summer is never a good time to do fundraising due to the summer vacations.  However we expected to have our seed money in place by May and federal and provincial funding in place no later than the August.  Neither has happened.  So work on the project has been scaled back until such time we do raise the much needed money.   We can’t thank the people who have made a donation to towards the project.  We want you to know without your help we would not have been able to accomplish what we have to date.  For those of you who have not made a donation we wanted to let you know that we are not looking for huge amounts of money.  People can donate an amount as small as $5.00, it all adds up.   To make a donation we have set up a special location on the NBSCA website that help you to make a donation as easy as possible.

The good news our volunteers have started working on the 1851/1861 census and the information is starting to come in.  We are very happy to say counties of Kent, Queens, Gloucester and York are just about completed and the data is in the process of being validated.    We are also happy to report that we have received permission from Lucille Campy to use information from her book titled With Axe and Bible in our narrative of the Scots who came to New Brunswick.  This will save us a lot of money and time when it comes to that story.   We have also completed the budget for all three phases of the project and we will be posting that budget on the Portal section of the New Brunswick Scottish-Cultural Association site.

We also co-sponsored our first public talk on July 5th in conjunction with the New Brunswick Provincial Archives.   Dr. Elizabeth Ritchie from the University of the Highland and Island, Scotland spoke about her research on Scottish Woman immigrates to Canada.  We had over 50 people in attendance and from all indication the talk was found to be very interesting and enjoyed by all.   

In closing for this up date I would like to introduce you to our official logo for the project. I would also like to appeal to all those people who have not contributed to the project to please do so.  This project is all about telling the story about the Scots who came to the province and help shape New Brunswick to the province it is today. Please visit the portal section on the NBSCA site for more information.  Until the next time have a great summer and play safe.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 2012 Web Portal Update

Great Coverage from Brunswick News
Since our last up date back back on March 28th we have been very busy getting the word out to the people of New Brunswick about Web Portal project.   We have been lucky that most of the newspapers around the province have been more than happy to write a story about the project.  The only paper that has not replied to us is the St Croix Courier.  This is very sad because of the high number of people who are of Scottish descent live in that area.  Hopefully we will find another way to get the word out in the area.

Volunteer Need
The Web Portal Advisory Committee is currently looking for a volunteer to sit on the advisory committee to help with communications. The type of communications this person would be involved in would be the writing of press releases, contacting and working with provincial, Federal and in some case British media. Updating the portal section of our website,Facebook and twitter.  There is also a need to work with local not-for-profit organizations with similar interests as this project.  As the head of communications you would also be looking after our email communications to our stake holders. If you are interested and would like more information please email the NB Scottish Web Portal committee.
Beginning this month (April) we should have a better understanding when we will be calling our volunteers to help with research.  As a committee we want to make sure we are ready for the volunteers and we have everything in place and we are sure where we want to start.

We Are Still In Need of Your Finical Help
Donations continue to be received and we are very happy with the response and the amounts people are donating.  It shows that there are people who understand appreciate the importance of this project. We are still along way away from our target and if you are interested in supporting this project please visit our donation section of NB Web Portal Page.

Do you have a family history you want to share?
Once again, if you have any questions or suggestions for the committee please do not hesitate to contact us.  If you have a story that you feel should be included in this project or a family history that needs to be include please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Phase One of the NB Scottish web Protal Started

Stories like Capt. John Hamilton will be highlighted
The NB Scottish Web Portal Advisory Committee has held two meetings with our third coming up on April 21st.  We are on schedule with the project and have officially started phase one with the hiring of Melynda Jarratt and her business Maven New Media .  We have also started mapping the layout of the actual portal.   In April will we will begin the hard cord research that is going to be needed to bring the information and data to the portal.   We will be looking at the 1851 census and family histories and individual biographies.

It was the Scots who literally opened up New Brunswick
The committee is also looking at holding workshops around the province to provide training for those people who will be helping with the search.  This training will make sure that everyone recording the data is recording the information in a constant way and to establish some rules for everyone to follow to make sure we have a regular flow of material.

I would encourage everyone to review phase one to find what this phase will include and if you know of anyone that might have information that should be included on this phase please contact us.   

I would also like to encourage you to review the map that we have created listing Scottish settlements through out New Brunswick.  We might have missed a few and we want to make sure we don’t miss a settlement.  

We will be telling the story of people like Lauchlan Donaldson
Last but not least we are always asking for financial help to see this project through to its end.  If you make a monetary contribution to the project you can do so by visiting our donation section  

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The advisory committee came together for its second meeting.  The focus on Saturday was donations and grants.  As you know the project needs to collect $20,000.00 in seed money privately ( members and the general public) by March 31, 2012.   To date, we are happy to report as result our supporters we have raised almost $8000.00.  In just the last week alone we have received over $500.00 in donations. We would like to thank everyone for their kind contributions.  We also would like you to know there is no such thing as as to small of  a donation. 

 We have along way to go to meet our target by the end of this month.   To make a donation visit our donation section.

We have also started to tap into the media for help, in Friday's Daily Gleaner we had a story about the project. We also had an interview on CBC Radio and Television early Friday morning.  It is our hope that we can get the information into other newspapers around the province.
Back Row left: James Thompson-Caledonian of Restigouche , Barry MacKenzie-NBSCA,
Maxine Campell- Fredericton Society of Saint Andrew
 Allen Doiron- Provincial Archives, Melynda Jarratt-Project Manager,
 Front Row: Juliette Babineau Moore-Secretary
Dan Taylor- Chairman, Bill Donald-Miramichi Highland Society
Missing: Laurie Hossack- Saint Andrew's Society of Saint John and Chris Robbins-NBSCA
Included in today's update is this picture of the Advisory Committee.  As you will see the committee  consist of representatives from different areas of the province. We are continuing to search for a person from the Perth-Andover area.  To date we have not been successful in finding anyone from that area.  If you know anyone from that area that would be able to attend our meetings please let us know.

The Web Portal section of the NBSCA website has been up dated with a map of the different Scottish communities around New Brunswick.  These communities are the areas we will be focusing on for the Web Portal project.    We have also added the outline for the project in this same area.

If you are interested in helping out either financially or as a volunteer please contact the project directly. You will find our contact information on this blog.  We would also like to hear from you if you have a story of a family that should be included in this project.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The New Brunswick Scottish-Cultural Association has  launched a special appeal to the people of Scottish descent in New Brunswick and Canada.

The advisory committee hopes that the people of Scottish descent will step up to the plate and help this project comes to reality.  Without the assistance of individuals this project will not get off the ground.  As a matter of fact, this will be the third time the Association has attempted this project.  Each time it has failed because of two things.   Lack of  money and volunteers, and the money has been the big killer each time.   The sad part is if this project doesn't happen this time it will never happen.   Grant money is quickly drying up both provincially and federally. So this is it, we need to get it right this time around.    To help make this project to come to a reality please visit www.nbscots.com and visit the web portal project area on the home screen and make a donation to help this project.  There isn't any amount to small and all donations are welcomed.  To recongize the donor we will publish their name on this blog and on our website ( We will not publish any person name without their permission)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Welcome to NBSCA's Scottish Web Portal Project blog.  As many of you have heard the NBSCA has launched one of it most ambitious multi-year projects in the Association's history.  We can not stress how important this legacy project is to the province of New Brunswick to the people of Scottish descent from New Brunswick and formerly from New Brunswick.  This is a legacy that will be here for future generations to be used in schools in New Brunswick and around the world.  Once and for all the story/narrative of the people who came to New Brunswick from Scotland will told.  It will show the impacts these peoples had on New Brunswick in the areas of government, education, law and commerce for example.

The New Brunswick Scottish Portal project will serve as the showcase for an online "virtual" exhibit and the gateway to the history of all things Scottish in New Brunswick.  The NB Scottish Portal will encompass all the major themes of New Brunswick Scottish history, including; immigration, settlements, censuses, land petitions and land grants, teachers petitions, passenger lists, biographies of individuals and families, cemetery transcriptions, etc.

We are very luck to have the provincal Archives who have agreed to host the portal on their servers and as a result will be developed in cooperation with the NBSCA and the Province Archives of New Brusnwick.  If you have any questions about the project please do not hesitate to contact the project team by email nbwebportal@bellaliant.net or calling the toll free number 1-877-627-2234.  You can also write the project team at New Brunwick Scottish-Cultural Association, PO Box 781, Fredericton NB  E3B 5B4.