We only have two weeks left before the "Who is the First Scot to New Brunswick?" contest comes to an end. Depending on what we find from the entries (three to date) and the documentation that accompanies the entries, William Davidson could very well be dethroned as the first Scottish settler to New Brunswick and in doing so will change history in New Brunswick. The winning entry will receive either a tablet or $500.00 and a place in history and a special place in portal. We here at the project are very excited to see outcome of this contest!
Project Update
Well we are happy to report the project is 50% complete. This means that Phase I and II are complete and the 1851 and 1861 census has been completed and now the data is just being verified for errors. We were very fortunate to have three summer students this past summer who made considerable head way in the research for the project. As a result it has brought the project back on schedule.
We also want to put out one last call for profiles of people from your family history you would highlighted in the portal. All we need is the story and a picture of the person (if you have one). We want the portal to tell the story of the everyday people.
Over the next few months the advisory committee will be turning its focus to the design of the actual portal and the narrative/story of the Scots who came to New Brunswick and their stories. The narrative will once and for all show the province how Scottish immigrants impacted and shaped this province we know today.